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She’s useful to thee i’ the work There was a feeble dawn in the room when Hetty awoke, a little after four o’clock, with a sense of dull misery, the cause of which broke upon her gradually as she began to discern the objects round her in the dim light.
She opened the window and let in the fresh morning air, and the smell of the sweet-brier, and the bright low-slanting rays of the early sun, which made a glory about her pale face and pale auburn hair as she held the long brush, and swept, singing to herself in a very low tonelike a sweet summer murmur that you have to listen for very closelyone of Charles Wesley’s hymns:Eternal Beam of Light Divine,Fountain of unexhausted love,In whom the Father’s glories shine,Through earth beneath and heaven above;Jesus! the weary wanderer’s rest,Give me thy easy yoke to bear;With steadfast patience arm my breast,With spotless love and holy fear When she got off this coach, she began to walk again, and take cheap rides in carts, and get cheap meals, going on and on without distinct purpose, yet strangely, by some fascination, taking the way she had come, though she was determined not to go back to her own country.
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Moreover, she had always a better dinner than usual to prepare for her sonsvery frequently for Adam and herself alone, Seth being often away the entire dayand the smell of the roast meat before the clear fire in the clean kitchen, the clock ticking in a peaceful Sunday manner, her darling Adam seated near her in his best clothes, doing nothing very important, so that she could go and stroke her hand across his hair if she liked, and see him look up at her and smile, while Gyp, rather jealous, poked his muzzle up between themall these things made poor Lisbeth’s earthly paradise Hush, hush, hush, said Mrs Poyser, did ever anybody hear such naughty children? Nobody shall ever see their money-boxes any more, if they don’t make haste and go on to church.
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NoO God, no, Adam groaned out, sinking on his chair again; but then, that’s the deepest curse of all No sooner had this little plan shaped itself in his mind than he began to be busy with exact calculations about the wood to be bought and the particular article of furniture that should be undertaken firsta kitchen cupboard of his own contrivance, with such an ingenious arrangement of sliding-doors and bolts, such convenient nooks for stowing household provender, and such a symmetrical result to the eye, that every good housewife would be in raptures with it, and fall through all the gradations of melancholy longing till her husband promised to buy it for her.
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