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Several of the men followed Ben’s lead, and the traveller pushed his horse on to the Green, as Dinah walked rather quickly and in advance of her companions towards the cart under the maple-tree I mun go a bit nearer.
But if thee mean’st it about myself, I’ve given up all thoughts as she can ever be my wife The smile that flitted across Arthur’s face was a faint one, and instead of following Mr Irwine’s playful lead, he said, quite seriouslyYes, that’s the worst of it.
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However that might be, the repairs were ordered to be executed with all dispatch, and Adam, acting for Mr Burge, was carrying out the order with his usual energy The ecclesiastical historian, too, looking into parliamentary reports of that period, finds honourable members zealous for the Church, and untainted with any sympathy for the tribe of canting Methodists, making statements scarcely less melancholy than that of Mr Roe And it is impossible for me to say that Mr Irwine was altogether belied by the generic classification assigned him.
Hetty felt a sense of protection in his presenceshe was used to it now: if she could have had the past undone and known no other love than her quiet liking for Adam! The tears rose as she gave him the last look Well, said Bartle, taking off his spectacles and putting them into his pocket, if there must be women to make trouble in the world, it’s but fair there should be women to be comforters under it; and she’s oneshe’s one.
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It’s poor foolishness to run down your enemies Ah! said Bartle sneeringly, the women are quick enoughthey’re quick enough.
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It’s very blessed on a bleak cold day, when the sky is hanging dark over the hill, to feel the love of God in one’s soul, and carry it to the lonely, bare, stone houses, where there’s nothing else to give comfort Well, Mother, whose fault is it there isna some tidy body i’ th’ house t’ help thee? It isna by my wish as thee hast a stroke o’ work to do.
Seth, always timid in his behaviour towards his mother, from the sense that he had no influence over her, felt it was useless to attempt to persuade or soothe her till this passion was past; so he contented himself with tending the back kitchen fire and folding up his father’s clothes, which had been hanging out to dry since morningafraid to move about in the room where his mother was, lest he should irritate her further I can’t ha’ had her about me these seven year, I reckon, and done for her, and taught her everything wi’out caring about her.
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I had the pleasure of being his tutor for several years, and have naturally had opportunities of knowing him intimately which cannot have occurred to any one else who is present; and I have some pride as well as pleasure in assuring you that I share your high hopes concerning him, and your confidence in his possession of those qualities which will make him an excellent landlord when the time shall come for him to take that important position among you I like breakfast-time better than any other moment in the day, said Mr Irwine.
But it is not ignoble to feel that the fuller life which a sad experience has brought us is worth our own personal share of pain The terrible decision of Adam’s tone shook her with fear.
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