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In spite of pride and temper, there was as much deprecation as anger in his voice when he said, What do you mean, Adam?I mean, siranswered Adam, in the same harsh voice, still without turning roundI mean, sir, that you don’t deceive me by your light words What! You’d be wanting the clock set by gentlefolks’s time, would you? An’ sit up burnin’ candle, an’ lie a-bed wi’ the sun a-bakin’ you like a cowcumber i’ the frame? The clock hasn’t been put forrard for the first time to-day, I reckon.
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The marks of thy agony are upon theeI see, I see thou art able and willing to savethou wilt not let her perish for ever Weren’t you pleased to hear your husband make such a good speech to-day?Oh, sir, the men are mostly so tongue-tiedyou’re forced partly to guess what they mean, as you do wi’ the dumb creaturs.
It’s no use trying to persuade her, said Mrs Poyser The old indignation and jealousy rose again, and prompted the suspicion that Arthur had been dealing falselyhad written to Hettyhad tempted her to come to himbeing unwilling, after all, that she should belong to another man besides himself.
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I know you can never be happy except by marrying a man in your own station; and if I were to marry you now, I should only be adding to any wrong I have done, besides offending against my duty in the other relations of life Lisbeth dared not say any more; but she got up and called Gyp, thinking to console herself somewhat for Adam’s refusal of the supper she had spread out in the loving expectation of looking at him while he ate it, by feeding Adam’s dog with extra liberality.
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Mrs Poyser’s attention was here diverted by the appearance of Molly, carrying a large jug, two small mugs, and four drinking-cans, all full of ale or small beeran interesting example of the prehensile power possessed by the human hand How do you do, Adam Bede? said Dinah, in her calm treble, pausing from her sweeping and fixing her mild grave eyes upon him.
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You go whistling about, and take no more care what you’re thinking of than if your heads were gutters for any rubbish to swill through that happened to be in the way; and if you get a good notion in ’em, it’s pretty soon washed out again Nay, sir, Adam said, in a calmer voice, as if he were half-relievedfor he was too straightforward to make a distinction between a direct falsehood and an indirect oneNay, sir, things don’t lie level between Hetty and you.
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Nay, he would do a great deal more for Adam than he should otherwise have done, when he came into the estate; Hetty’s husband had a special claim on himHetty herself should feel that any pain she had suffered through Arthur in the past was compensated to her a hundredfold He took her arm appetite suppressant aromatherapy and put it within his again, looking down on her fondly.
I should ha’ thought the biggest tenant had the best right, more nor th’ oldest, said Luke Britton, who was not fond of the critical Mr Poyser; there’s Mester Holdsworth has more land nor anybody else on th’ estate When she awoke it was deep night, and she felt chill.
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